Clean water is a basic human right. Help make deaths from unsafe water a thing of the past by making a donation today.
How one borehole changed Sarah’s life and revitalised her community
In Bulamagi, Uganda the search for clean water paints a portrait of perseverance. Like many, Sarah, a mother of four, faced the immense challenge of securing safe water for her family. Daily treks to distant rivers and ponds, often contaminated, were a daunting routine. Sarah was vulnerable not only to the diseases the water carried, but to sexual assault and violence along the way.
That was until she found renewed hope through the support of our Water First Project, an initiative bringing water sources closer to villages across Africa. When the project arrived in Bulmagi, only 4% of households had access to safe water. Today, that figure has soared to an astonishing 95.9%.
This wasn’t just the result of external aid but a testament to community spirit. Through collective willpower, twelve villages, encompassing about 500 members, collaborated to ensure the project’s success. With reliable access to clean water, women in the village are now able to invest more time in their families and communities and send their girls to school. They are less vulnerable to disease, sexual violence, and the effects of drought.
With a sense of relief and gratitude, Sarah proclaims, “My children drink, bathe, and play in clean water. My heart, once heavy with worry, now knows peace.” Tedious journeys and waterborne diseases that once plagued her family are a thing of the past. Sarah now sees a brighter and healthier future for her and her family.

My children drink, bathe, and play in clean water. My heart, once heavy with worry, now knows peace.

Your donation
makes water flow.
Food & Nutrition
children receiving weight or nutrition monitoring in 2022
children with a nursery school food program in 2022
People trained in nutrition and food processing in 2022
Equality & Empowerment
people have participated in our Vision, Action and Commitment workshops across all of our Program Countries since 2008
People have participated in HIV/AIDS and gender inequality workshops in Africa since 2008
women have participated in our leadership training since 2008
Education & Digital Equality
adults have enrolled in adult literacy in Africa since 1999
people have been trained in Safe School for Girls workshops in Bangladesh
Animators (volunteer leaders) have been trained in literacy and education in Africa since 1999
Water & Health
children vaccinated in Africa since 1999
People trained in water and hygiene program globally in 2022
Bed nets to prevent malaria distributed
Climate & Environment
People trained in climate adaptation workshops since 2008
people trained in food security in 2022
Women trained in climate adaptation workshops in 2022