Population: 1.4 billion
Countries: 54
Countries in which we work: 9
Reach of our programs: 1.48 million
Number of children 15 and under supported: 860,160
In Africa, our approach is driven by our Epicentre Strategy. It’s where we connect large groups of villages to a central hub and the work is driven by the community. This means they set the agenda for the change they want to see happen. By building up the leadership capability and confidence of people, especially among women, we see whole communities rise up together to create lasting and meaningful change.
The Epicentre is an important gathering place, that encompasses health programs (including HIV/AIDS prevention and maternal and child health), education, water and sanitation, adult literacy, nutrition, improved farming and food security and microfinance.
We include all of this because we know that food isn’t the solution to hunger; it’s when we address the bigger, overarching factors that cause hunger and poverty that we will overcome them. Complementing our Epicentre strategy is a range of innovative programs that are tailored to the most critical issues in specific countries, ensuring we’re being responsive to the ever-evolving challenges and listening to what our community partners need.
Program examples
- BlueTown digital project, Ghana: in partnership with ISP-provider BlueTown, Microsoft and USAID, three Epicentres now host a fully connected ICT centre with trained micro-operators to support women improve their digital skills
- Nature First, Ethiopia: a large-scale project to restore degraded land in order to boost local economy, promote sustainable food systems and build climate resilience
- Youth Building Bridges, Uganda: this pilot program seeks to reconnect Ugandan youth with agriculture, both to combat climate change and provide food security through increased farming activity