Meet Kris Macourt, a young philanthropist from Sydney who has just returned after spending time visiting communities in Uganda. Kris and her family invested in Kenshunga Epicentre, and went to see just how far the community has come.
Kris with Ally, THP-Australia’s Head of Philanthropy and Impact
What inspired you to get involved with The Hunger Project?
The fundamental fact, after years of doing my own due diligence with organisations, that The Hunger Project was the only project I discovered whose funding becomes inessential to the community it has partnered with, after that community reaches a state of self-reliance. To me, that is the marker of a model that truly works.
How would you describe The Hunger Project to someone who’s never heard of it?
Just that! A model that works! An organisation that seeks no benefit outside of helping communities to become independent from funding and self-reliant in a way that empowers their own capabilities, self-governance and competence to thrive.
On your visit, what kind of people did you meet?
I met the THP-Uganda team, who, in every capacity, drive the very hearts of the communities they partner with. I met post ‘self-reliant’ communities, who were empowered and full of joy. I met a community that has yet to be mobilised yet have the great determination to do so, which inspired me so much. Seeing the comparison between the two was an indication of what wonderful work THP can achieve alongside them.
Community planning
Country Director Irene Naikaali
What challenges were the communities facing?
What is fundamental for THP is women centric business and drive and that is evident when meeting with the communities – that the women are one of the greatest drivers of change for their community, voicing the challenges on behalf of everyone. One issue that continually rose, was that of capital. How to grow their circles and further expand their businesses. Of course, the difficulties of climate change. Access the materials and conservation of product. To name a few.
Collecting water
The health clinic
What’s one thing you’d ask people to do to create a world without hunger?
Do your research! If you want to make a difference, make sure that you are donating with projects that can actually create the change that is needed. Get emotionally involved, give more than just money, but allocate time to connect with those facing challenges and understand what their needs are. Because listening is a truly remarkable pilot when navigating through a world that seeks change.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional land custodians of the land on which we work, live and play.